Start managing projects successfully in just 1 hour.
IT organizations have poor track records in managing projects successfully, and this UNDERMINES IT CREDIBILITY. To be successful, you have to be credible and the path to IT credibility is delivering projects successfully.

You don’t need a robust methodology, project management certification, or fancy tools to manage projects successfully. What you do need is a practical process, a little knowledge, and a few tools THAT WORK!
This is exactly what I’ll give you in a 1-hour training video.
Use my proven project management process and fundamentals and you will deliver your next project successfully — GUARANTEED!
That’s right, I’m so confident I can teach you how to manage a project successfully in just 1 hour that I’ll return your money if you aren’t 100% satisfied. No theory, , , just simple and straightforward steps that anyone can use to achieve project success.
3-part program designed to teach you quickly including step by step instruction on how to do everything required to manage a project successfully:
- Quantifying project objectives and deliverables
- Defining resource requirements
- Developing a project budget
- Calculating Return On Investment (ROI)
- Creating and managing a project schedule
- Organizing a Project Kickoff Meeting
- Holding effective Project Status Meetings
All of this is much simpler than you might think. Once you know what to do and how to do it plus have tools that work, you will be able to succeed.
And when you start delivering projects successfully, it will separate you from others and BOOST YOUR CAREER just like it has done for me.
PLUS A BONUS – my book, IT Project Management: a practical approach and project management schedule templates you can use immediately.

and start managing your projects successfully!

Contact me if you have questions: info@mde.net